Ok ... Ill be the one to say it !
Rich White
2010-01-27 20:51:14 UTC
Cobalt port for the IPad? ..... Thoughts (given its hardware)? .....
for $499 I can picture a lot of kids hands on these things in schools.

(Someone had to say it eventually LOL - guess Ill be "that guy" today)
Rich White
Alexey Zakhlestin
2010-01-27 21:03:25 UTC
Post by Rich White
Cobalt port for the IPad? ..... Thoughts (given its hardware)? .....
for $499 I can picture a lot of kids hands on these things in schools.
(Someone had to say it eventually LOL - guess Ill be "that guy" today)
As they use iPhone OS there, I guess old rules still apply. And those are: no external runtimes allowed (which includes smalltalk runtime).
I would be glad, if someone proves me wrong :)
Bert Freudenberg
2010-01-27 21:32:14 UTC
Post by Alexey Zakhlestin
Post by Rich White
Cobalt port for the IPad? ..... Thoughts (given its hardware)? .....
for $499 I can picture a lot of kids hands on these things in schools.
(Someone had to say it eventually LOL - guess Ill be "that guy" today)
As they use iPhone OS there, I guess old rules still apply. And those are: no external runtimes allowed (which includes smalltalk runtime).
I would be glad, if someone proves me wrong :)
The two Squeak apps sold in the App Store do prove you wrong.

- Bert -
John McIntosh
2010-01-27 23:52:06 UTC
Actually it's six apps and two expose the morphic desktop
Lawson English
2010-04-06 21:09:09 UTC
Post by John McIntosh
Actually it's six apps and two expose the morphic desktop
Does that include the ability to script buttons and the like using squeak?

John M McIntosh
2010-04-06 22:19:18 UTC
You can use a objective-c bridge proxy object (ObjectiveCSqueakProxy) to trigger smalltalk code to run on UI interaction.
It's explained in a talk I gave at ESUG 09 last year.


A more current example would be the Scratch.app, which we just provided remote sensor enabling and iPad support for.


In Scratch.app the presentation view controller exposes the Scratch desktop, the Scratch image updates the project text comments,
and a proxy object handles the green GO, red STOP icons to run/stop the project.However the zoomabilty, web, and keyboard icons are all under
the control of the presentation space view controller. The login screen, and webview are separate view controllers controlled by the objective-c program.
Post by Lawson English
Post by John McIntosh
Actually it's six apps and two expose the morphic desktop
Does that include the ability to script buttons and the like using squeak?
John M. McIntosh <***@smalltalkconsulting.com> Twitter: squeaker68882
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd. http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com