going to other worlds on other computers (what I mean beyond P2P)
Paul Sheldon
2007-01-17 22:08:48 UTC
When Howard Sterns asked me what I meant by P2P, he also generously gave
examples to show me I didn't really know what I meant when I claimed the
article as allowing this P2P. I realized that I was covering what I
really wanted in my initial response to it which I let incubate in my

I'd like to believe he was "inviting me out to play in the dark". I have
thought and journaled to myself on this hoped for invitation. What does
it really mean to be invited to play rather than "picked for the team"
which I never was as a child. Picked for the team has, in it, the
metaphor of ranking in one dimensional thinking where there is a
trichotomy. This has absolutely nothing to do with a team becoming
self-aware, self-referential and concious in the sense of Hofstadter in
the GEB:Eternal Golden Braid book. How does a list become self aware?

I really want to set up an iChat and postcard as xml through iChat and
ask the whole list will anyone play with me in the dark at collaboration
until things start to make sense. I want someone to join with me in
process before things make sense, not merely report to a boss I work for
but to actually work with people. Chain of command does not entail
intelligence, information must flow, not only up and down, but there was
some talk of lateralism (and other dimensions).

What I see croquet as is a multidimensional metaphor for synchronized
yet distributed "control" of participating beings.

Sometimes some sort of abandonment issue gets muddled up with defining
my own terms (outside of a community giving imprimatur as politically
correct definition) preventing the victory of owning one's own (or one's
pair on a page) lonely victories.

In order to collaborate rather than be merely 1 dimensional as, the
crazy bomb rider in Dr. Strangelove, one must be emotional literate
enough to define (politely) what one wants. I don't know whether "fears
of stealing one's vital essense" prevents list self-awareness and play.
These are fearful times.


I've read all the e mails posted since I joined this list. I was very
interested in posts concerning "Where is the "Tools" menu, to connect to
other worlds?" and will look at Stern's writing linked into this. I have
two computers, one with menu in restricted worlds going to any on
another computer without many, so I've already solved menu problem by
having rabbit make several hops.

All this croquet stuff bears on Wm.James Stanford speech 1900 on Space
as the Moral equivalent of war, a metaphor perhaps of self awareness of
a group as opposed to ranking in a group, a metaphor of neocortex in
Sagan's "Dragons of Eden". The mirrors of Croquet look like stargates to
me which warps in Star Trek led to discovering the possibility of peace
in the play thing. Stargate, however, is dangerous and run secret by NSA
and explores issues with space as the moral equivalent of war. The
original had an enemy and Atlantis has its wraith as adversarial.

Howard Sterns kindly responded with quite a bit of writing. OK in
internet there is always a router somewhere, so peer to peer, though a
term used by merchandizers as if it had meaning, needs resolution into
finer "wants". What do I want? What would be meaningful to me? That is
the question!

I stumbled about below, but rewrote and answered my question above.

I want my rabbit to jump from my computer onto a trusting friend's
computer as a beginning of non blaming collaboration and playing in the
dark together.

iChat is sold as P2P but the salesmen don't actually define what that
is. Whatever I call it rather than P2P has meaning to me in the old
adversarial politics of central computers versus personal ones, better
laptops. I want to be a peer of the realm and not someone paying lip
service to somebody who controls a central computer who wants me to cost
justify what I am (my life) to his sense of value for time on his machine.

My library in Richardson, Texas, allows ichat and I can chat with
theorist interactive. There's an open source chat mechanism called Adium
where Diane advises on multiple screens on algebra problems to distance
education, say to Louisiana flood victims or lawyers on trainrides. She
collaborates on solving algebra problems. I don't begin to know how to
do that. I'd ask a student to go out in the dark alone.

There is something that looks very much like iChat on iPhone keynote
presentation, but I couldn't confirm whether it would be there, much
less a squeak virtual machine.

Wifi is getting broadcast free in Richardson, Texas in 9 months,
microwave towers and retransmitters on the top of lights :


I hope the strongarm processor on the iPhone will ensure an oop
smalltalk variant such as newtonscript. Widgets are dismissed with
little x's at 10:30 just like all smalltalk objects in squeak are
dismissed. Widget programming is coming with Leopard but not promised
developers for iPhone. Steve Jobs just tested interest with a widget sdk
pre Leopard retro release and security research.

Widget programming don't have a steep learning curve to frighten off
kids not wanting too much "dark" before the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm going to be grateful for Stearns link to help my rabbits jump on
other computers around the world. I want to play in the dark.

As for me, long dark tunnels are the only way to other worlds .

