2009-10-16 21:29:34 UTC
From: Kamal.O.Rowe [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 5:29 PM
To: '***@lists.mediagrid.org'; 'cobalt-***@duke.edu';
'croquet-***@duke.edu'; 'croquet-***@duke.edu';
Subject: iED community today (Monday) -- INSIDE SCOOP: Immersive Education
Initiative TWITTER group - track daily activity - Week Ending October 16th
INSIDE SCOOP: Immersive Education Initiative TWITTER - track daily activity
The Immersive Education Initiative is a non-profit international
of universities, colleges, research institutes, consortia and companies that
working together to define and develop open standards, best practices,
platforms, and communities of support for virtual reality and game-based
learning and training systems. Over a thousand faculty, researchers, staff,
administrators and students are members of the Immersive Education
which is growing at the rate of approximately 2 new members every day.
Membership is FREE and open to the global academic community.
Immersive Education Initiative: http://ImmersiveEducation.org
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE INSIDE SCOOP
Follow the Immersive Education Initiative's official TWITTER group for the
"inside scoop", sneak previews, and early access to initiative activities:
Recent Inside Scoop tweets:
1. LIBRARY: Creating concept Rocket World library in Wonderland 0.5 to
be shared next week with Immersive Education members. http://tr.im/xSOT
<http://twitter.com/immersive/status/4921665324> about 4 hours ago from web
2. Nicole, Aaron: Finished planning for Friday's live tour of
Wonderland 0.5 during which Rocket World concepts will be built
http://tr.im/xSOT <http://twitter.com/immersive/status/4843707759> 4:27 PM
Oct 13th from web
3. Aaron, Nick: Meeting to finalize plan for Immersive Education's Open
File Formats TWG (OFF.TWG) mesh transcoder http://MediaGrid.org/groups
<http://twitter.com/immersive/status/4842111756> 3:14 PM Oct 13th from web
4. Aaron, Nick, Rich, Jerome: Concluded Rocket World design &
architecture meeting in preparation for next LIB.TWG meeting
http://tr.im/xSOT <http://twitter.com/immersive/status/4837197543> 11:28 AM
Oct 13th from web
5. LIBRARY: Confirmed to create concept Rocket World library in
Wonderland 0.5 to share with Immersive Education members. http://tr.im/xSOT
<http://twitter.com/immersive/status/4763896700> 12:49 PM Oct 10th from web
MORE INSIDE SCOOP AT: http://twitter.com/immersive
The Immersive Education Initiative is a non-profit international
of universities, colleges, research institutes, consortia and companies that
working together to define and develop open standards, best practices,
platforms, and communities of support for virtual reality and game-based
learning and training systems. Over a thousand faculty, researchers, staff,
administrators and students are members of the Immersive Education
which is growing at the rate of approximately 2 new members every day.
Membership is FREE and open to the global academic community.
Immersive Education Initiative: http://ImmersiveEducation.org
INSIDE SCOOP: Immersive Education Initiative TWITTER - track daily activity
Kamal O. Rowe
Immersive Education Initiative: http://ImmersiveEducation.org
Sent: Friday, October 16, 2009 5:29 PM
To: '***@lists.mediagrid.org'; 'cobalt-***@duke.edu';
'croquet-***@duke.edu'; 'croquet-***@duke.edu';
Subject: iED community today (Monday) -- INSIDE SCOOP: Immersive Education
Initiative TWITTER group - track daily activity - Week Ending October 16th
INSIDE SCOOP: Immersive Education Initiative TWITTER - track daily activity
The Immersive Education Initiative is a non-profit international
of universities, colleges, research institutes, consortia and companies that
working together to define and develop open standards, best practices,
platforms, and communities of support for virtual reality and game-based
learning and training systems. Over a thousand faculty, researchers, staff,
administrators and students are members of the Immersive Education
which is growing at the rate of approximately 2 new members every day.
Membership is FREE and open to the global academic community.
Immersive Education Initiative: http://ImmersiveEducation.org
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THE INSIDE SCOOP
Follow the Immersive Education Initiative's official TWITTER group for the
"inside scoop", sneak previews, and early access to initiative activities:
Recent Inside Scoop tweets:
1. LIBRARY: Creating concept Rocket World library in Wonderland 0.5 to
be shared next week with Immersive Education members. http://tr.im/xSOT
<http://twitter.com/immersive/status/4921665324> about 4 hours ago from web
2. Nicole, Aaron: Finished planning for Friday's live tour of
Wonderland 0.5 during which Rocket World concepts will be built
http://tr.im/xSOT <http://twitter.com/immersive/status/4843707759> 4:27 PM
Oct 13th from web
3. Aaron, Nick: Meeting to finalize plan for Immersive Education's Open
File Formats TWG (OFF.TWG) mesh transcoder http://MediaGrid.org/groups
<http://twitter.com/immersive/status/4842111756> 3:14 PM Oct 13th from web
4. Aaron, Nick, Rich, Jerome: Concluded Rocket World design &
architecture meeting in preparation for next LIB.TWG meeting
http://tr.im/xSOT <http://twitter.com/immersive/status/4837197543> 11:28 AM
Oct 13th from web
5. LIBRARY: Confirmed to create concept Rocket World library in
Wonderland 0.5 to share with Immersive Education members. http://tr.im/xSOT
<http://twitter.com/immersive/status/4763896700> 12:49 PM Oct 10th from web
MORE INSIDE SCOOP AT: http://twitter.com/immersive
The Immersive Education Initiative is a non-profit international
of universities, colleges, research institutes, consortia and companies that
working together to define and develop open standards, best practices,
platforms, and communities of support for virtual reality and game-based
learning and training systems. Over a thousand faculty, researchers, staff,
administrators and students are members of the Immersive Education
which is growing at the rate of approximately 2 new members every day.
Membership is FREE and open to the global academic community.
Immersive Education Initiative: http://ImmersiveEducation.org
INSIDE SCOOP: Immersive Education Initiative TWITTER - track daily activity
Kamal O. Rowe
Immersive Education Initiative: http://ImmersiveEducation.org